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Do you have a health goal? What is it? Weight/fat loss? Building or maintaining muscle? Eating healthier? Maintaining a healthy brain? Feeling better? Having more energy? Looking good naked? What are you currently doing about it? Is it working? Is it sustainable for the long-term? Forever? I’m sure the majority of folks…(Read More)

I’m pleased and excited to announce the first of what is planned to be a series of free presentations in Bozeman, MT on topics of health, energy, performance, nutrition, stress and more. In collaboration with Dr Jeff Green of Big Sky Integrative Health, I’ll be offering an hour-long presentation on Monday, March…(Read More)



You may have seen this word floating around out there in the virtual world of health, fitness, diet or self-improvement recently and thought, “hmm, sounds a bit out there for me…”. The concept isn’t really all that new but the execution is certainly quickly becoming mainstream. A quick look at the Webster’s…(Read More)

The BulletProof Diet


Diet. The mere mention of the word can conjure images of carrot sticks and water. Starvation level calorie intake and deprivation. They are these things we “do” when we want to be more “healthy” or lose some fat. Fairly negative connotations for many of us. That’s actually kind of funny. This is the first…(Read More)

Sleep & Stress


There are few things present in our lives that will do more to rob us of energy, emotional well-being, health and just plain feeling good than stress and lack of quality sleep. These two things often go hand in hand and, especially coupled with poor food and drink choices, can lead to a vicious…(Read More)



Chew on this for a minute; the US spends, as a percentage of household income, less than almost every other country in the world on food. That, to me, is an incredibly shocking and sobering statistic. It speaks volumes as to the current state of our priorities, health and attention. On one hand, it’s…(Read More)

BulletProof Energy


What comes up when you think of energy? A good cup of coffee in the morning? Exercise? Eating “healthy”? I wish I had more of it? All those things can be connected to energy for us. Consider this perspective though… We rely on energy for absolutely everything we are and do every single day of…(Read More)